44 High St, Renwick, Marlborough
Tel: 03 5728838

We offer a full range of medical care. Our doctors and nursing staff all have a comprehensive knowledge and understanding in assisting you to maintain good health.
CQI Summary
Renwick Medical Centre recognises there are inequities in the health care system which can result in poor health outcomes for individuals. To help improve some of these inequities Renwick Medical Centre have decided to try and increase our cervical screening attendance rates in the Māori/Pacific population and those that haven’t been screened in over 5 years.
The results of this continuous quality improvement are as follows
Māori went from 60% to 75% (15% increase)
Pacific Island went from 60% to 80% (20% increase)
5 years + went from 91.1% to 92 % (0.9% increase)
Māori and Pacific Island combined went from 60% to 77%
This was a very worthwhile project to undertake for both the staff and patients within Renwick Medical Centre. Even though many challenges were encountered due to Covid19 lockdowns it gave us the opportunity to refine the way we recall our at risk and hard to reach populations. Not only did we increase the number of women having a cervical smear in turn preventing potentially poor health comes for those screened but the whole staff gained a better understanding into the way we recall our patients and the efforts behind this process.
We are now actively looking into a way of incorporating a phone call to those that are in this hard-to-reach group and which will hopefully continue to steadily increase our cervical smear rates.
If you would like more information about health services in Marlborough visit :
Marlborough Primary Health Website or visit our health links page.
Along with general health checks our services include:
Flu Vaccination
Immunisations for Children
Smear clinics
Care Plus
Liquid Nitrogen/ Cryotherapy
Drivers and HGV Licence
Diabetes Management
Asthma Management
Obesity (Weight management)
Quit Smoking/Smoking Cessation
Minor Procedures & Wound Care
Blood Tests
Repeat Prescriptions – 48 hour turn around
Medical Certificates
Specialist Referrals
Work Cover
Insurance Medicals
Aged Care
Sports Medicine
For a full list of services and fees see here